Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coming Soon...

Isabella's first birthday! Honestly, I'm just playing around and attempting to figure out how to include pictures in my posts. This one is just too darn cute not to share, so why not start there? I promise to post more soon!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy {belated} Valentine's Day!

Hey, better late than never, right?

Holidays are always exciting with a preschooler in the house. Thanks to a few creative teachers, we always get an adorable craft from our little man, and who doesn't like receiving gifts? But the best part is actually giving the gifts. He is so animated these days, the things that come out of his mouth just kill me! Along with a ton of candy that I will probably throw away in a few days, we got him a dinosaur lego set...nothing major, something I picked up last minute (story of my life). When he opened it, he exclaimed "Oh wow Mommy! How did you know? I've been waiting for this guy forever!" and then squeezed both of us. How precious is that? Of course we got Isabella a little something too, but she is too young to really care...tissue paper is present enough for her. And like a dummy, I wrote "Happy 1st Valentine's Day" in her card...her first birthday was 4 days ago, clearly this is not her first Valentine's Day. I blame it all on Mommy Brain. :)

Hubs and I actually got to have a mini-date night. His grandparents watched the kiddos while we enjoyed a quiet, kid-free dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. It was exactly what we needed.

Hope you all had a fabulous day with your valentine!


Friday, February 10, 2012

4 year old + steroids = one messy mama

Those of you that know me probably know that the little man is pretty sick, and a visit to the doctor confirmed it this afternoon. Thankfully, the sweet hubs offered to leave work early to take our little man, which left me with the glorious duty of picking up the meds. Three hours, three different pharmacies and $65 later I returned home with a nebulizer, steroid, and antibiotic. As I carefully read the instructions for all of the medicines and measured out the dosages, I laughed to myself...I knew there was no way our little guy was going to take any of this medicine (and I'd soon find out that I was right, as usual). The only hope I had for getting him to take the medicine was to bribe him with his ticket to the Bobcats/Clippers game for tomorrow night (I may have tried bubblegum, icecream, and oreos too). After about 45 minutes of squirming and screaming, I was able to squirt a little of each medicine down his throat. Go me, right? WRONG! Within seconds of squirting the medicine in his mouth I found myself covered in it. Poor little guy gagged and spit it all on me. I guess that's what I get, I mean I'm pretty sure I'd spit the ish out if someone forced it down my throat, wouldn't you? Thanks to facebook, I got quite a few tricks to try for the next round. An old sorority sister that works at a children's hospital suggested coating his tongue with peanut butter before giving him the is supposed to help disguise the awful taste of the steroids. He seemed pretty intrigued when I mentioned the idea tonight, so we'll see how it goes in the morning. I"ll be sure to keep you posted.

Annnnd I blog, weird.

Shocker, right? Maybe not..who cares. I do, and I like it.

So what do I do now? I guess I should start with somewhat of an introduction? Well, I'm a mom (duh) of two...a one year old (as of 2:00pm exactly) and a 4.5 year old.

Not that it's important, but I should add that I'm a "working" mom, and by "working," I mean I'm a teacher, which is quite the ideal position, if you ask me. I have a rather amazing husband, who adores our children and can't live without me (or so I like to think).

I think that's all I'm going share for now...more to be revealed in future posts.